Visiting the Presidents

BONUS! How I Spent My Summer of Presidential Travels 2023, Part 1!

Joe Faykosh Season 2 Episode 0
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00:00 | 34:43

BONUS episode featuring my summer of presidential travels as I fit in as many birthplaces, gravesites, homes, and other sites into one history professor's summer break.  The first of three trips, join me as I visit Texas, Louisiana, Tennessee, and Mississippi!

Links to Previous Episodes Mentioned:
"Andrew Johnson and Raleigh"
"George W Bush and New Haven"

"James Polk and Columbia"
"Zachary Taylor and Louisville"
"Andrew Johnson and Greeneville"
"George HW Bush and Kennebunkport"
"George W Bush and Crawford"

Check out the website at for visual aids, links, past episodes, recommended reading, and other information! 

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